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2024 Museum Donors

The following individuals, businesses, and organizations have graciously supported
the Southampton History Museum in 2024 with contributions equal to or greater than $250.

​If you wish to donate please click here!


Residents of the Southampton Union Free School District



Sarah Bollman

The Estate of Margaret D. Sullivan


$10,000 to $15,000

George & Leslie Biddle

Edward R. Donovan & Cheryl L. Carter

The Derfner Foundation

Druckenmiller Foundation

Kathleen King

Christopher & Renee Liddell
Martin & Jean Shafiroff


$5,000 to $9,999


Varnum de Rose Charitable Trust

Susan K. Allen

Daniel L. Nir & Jill E. Braufman

Kevin & Judi Donnelly

Douglas M. & Amy Halsey

Daniel Van Arsdale DO MHA

$2,500 to $4,999

Eric Blair

Brady Design

Halsey Foundation

Imperfect Family Foundation

Peter L. Hallock & Craig P. Mowry

Gregory & Margaret Hedberg


Terry Moan & Dede Gotthelf

Christian & Katia Oberbeck

John & Anne Rachel

David Rozenholc & Dena Weiner

Saunders & Associates

Kristen Segal

Peter & Jaar-mel Sloane

$1,000 to $2,499

1708 House

Gerald & Sherill Adams

Mitchell Burakovsky

Averitt Buttry & Rob Coburn

Alison Cady

Suzanne Caldwell

James & Maureen Callanan

Calla Clay

Claire S. deGroot

Jana Essay

Kathleen Finch

Patricia Garrity

Sheila Guidera

Joseph Guidera

Thomas S. & Elizabeth Halsey

Will & Katie Milligan

Edward & Connie Moneypenny

Sonia Saleh

John Tozzi

Sandra Walser

Kathleen Walsh


$500 to $999

Jennifer Allan

Tara Allmen

Stuart Baker

Elizabeth Baltz

Robert H. & Linda Beck

Peter & Kathleen Camilli

Marc Chiffert

Edward & Louise David

Alastair & Tracey Dedrick

Nancy Depetris

Michael Devonshire

Jay & Jeanne Diesing

Stefan Djurasic

Dermot Dolan

Francesca Dricot & Michael Figliolia

Patrick & Laura Gaffney

John & Sandra Gary

Barbara Gooss

Alex Hamer

Herrick Hardware

Sylvia Hemmingway

Hamilton Hoge

Lucy Howard

Jefferson E. & Karen Hughes

Kimberly Isaly

Derek Kleinow

Heidi Kline

Patricia Kraus

John & Della Leathers

Tami Maines

Silas Marder

William & Kittie McKnight

William Morosse

Philip & Leslie Murray

James & Margo Nederlander

Yvetta Newman

Margaret Pontani

Siamak Samii

Charles Scarborough III

Scott J. Sottile

J. Whitney Stevens

Lydia Touzet

Sally Van Allen

Tamara Watkins

William & Barbara Williams, Jr.

Erich & Nancy Winkler

Eric & Hilary Woodward


$250 to $499

Jon Ambrose

Carolyn Amos

John Arundel

Willa Bernstein

Anne Bickerstaff

Petra Brichnacova

Paul Brown

Stan Burakovski

Paul Burkhart

Hugh & Molly Burns

Robin Bush

Ernest Cavallo

Clif de Raita

Seán F. & Elizabeth Deneny

Joan A. Dimonda

Boris Djurasic

Thomas Donovan

Raymond Enstine

Elaine Epstein

Mark & Paul Fichandler

Donna Frieze

Bruce Grier

David Hart

Gretchen Hayes

Franklin Headley

Bruce Horton

Maryanne Horwath

Barbara Isaacman

Amy Kalaczynski

George Kane

Randy & Heidi Knopp

Jeff & Elyn Kronemeyer

Isabelle Liegl

Steven Lietman

Nicole Lind

Caroline Locke

Robert Lohman

Barbara Maddock

Alan & Barbara Mandelbaum

Alan Roberts McFarland & Kathleen Troia

Nancy McGann

Nan McNally

Celine Merle

Ruth Miller

Barbarella Monti-Hadjiargyrou

Allison Morrow

Marybeth Mullen

Amy O'Halloran

Isolde O'Hanlon

Barbara Ostrom

Regina Papile

Salvatore Piazzolla

Quinn Pofahl & Jaime Jimenez

Amelia Poole

Krissy Quinn

G. William Rabbe, Jr.

Alice Robinson

John P. Roche

Judi Rothenberg

Patricia Rung

Shawn Sadri

Lisa Saladino

Mike & Lynn Salthouse

Martin Schwartz

Susan Schwartz

Lynn Sheppard Manger

Lawrence & Judy Sullivan

Ernest & Pat Telford

Sheila Tendy

Noelle Tevis

Linda Thumhart

Carol Tintle

Katrina Vanderlip de Carbonnel

Laura Vellucci

Deana Vetter

Nabys Vielman

Bernadette Watkins

Andrew & Margaret Watson

Abe Wellington

Ellen P. Welsh

Michael & Nina Whitman

Ivy Winikc

Christine Witker

Kenneth & Megan Wright

Bonnie Yormack

Donna Zuzzolo


2024 In-Kind Donations

Listed below are those who made in-kind donations equal to or greater than $100 in 2023.

$2,500 to $5,000

Bradford Studio

Hans Boujaran

$1,000 to $2,499


Bartlett Tree Experts

Jeremy Dennis

John & Margie Rist, Jr.


$100 to $999

1708 House

Scott Bluedorn

Canoe Place Inn

Johnny Was

La Carezza

Robert Lohman

Sabel & Oplinger, CPA, PC

Alyssa Saccente



Museum Members

Those listed below maintained active memberships in 2024 equal to or greater than $150.​
Interested in becoming a member? Click here!


John & Rosemarie Dios
William G. & Katherine McKnight
James L. & Margo Nederlander
Kenneth & Debra Lay Renkens
Sally Van Erk



Jane Christian
Barbara H. & Harry L. Hackett, Jr.

Noel & Deborah Hare
Carryl B. & Edward H. Howell III
Lisa Liman
Anthony Petrillo



Wayne & Ellen Bellet
Lynne Burgess
Elizabeth Lear
Joseph & Leith McLoughlin
Lynda Packard

Randall J. Porte
Robert C. & Susan Price
Howard & Ann Reisman

Donald L. & Diane R. Sherwood
Thomas B. & Jeanne White

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