Here's our eleventh round of journal entries for the week. If you'd like to play a part in history as it unfolds before us, please send your submissions to
Joan Magiet (Eastport)
Sunning at Orient Bay
I drive the steep roads to Grand Case.
I feel the rush of words pile up inside me,
like cars waiting for a red light to change.
Under the comfort of a beach umbrella
at Orient Bay, my friendly bag
of pens and notebooks at my side,
I release them.
Encouraged by whitecaps and catamarans,
batik and beads, I strip away the layers
of my subconscious until peeled and bare
like bodies of women who sun, I place
words on paper, edit, revise for viewing.
I shape the version of me I will reveal.
If I am as naked on paper
as men and women who stroll the shore,
will you accept me?
I will sooner expose the curve of my breast
than my private thoughts and deeds.
I live behind a smile.